Thursday, March 7, 2013

Zumba Class @ Thursday

This is a simple reminder that our Yogilates class on Thursday 640pm had been reolace by ZUMBA effective from 7/3/2013.

Thank You & Namaste,

Body Rebuild & Rejuvenate Massage Workshop

This workshop, teaches yourself to treat your own   body and know your own body. You will be guided step  
by step with simple and easy to perform meridian massage  by  using roller and yoga blocks. 
 The Workshop is most suitable  to individuals that encounter  issues like : insomnia, stiff neck and shoulder, migraine ,  constant headache, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis. Torticollis (neck pain after sleeping), pinched nerve, double chin, fatigued , short of breath, Hypertension and sleep disorder. 

We will be learning : 
1.-1. Energy Testing.
2.2. Techniques for DIY muscles relaxation. Using props ;blocks and massage roller  
3.  Massage apply on the meridian point and muscles part from fingers, arm, upper body , neck and shoulder for body relaxation.  

A Free roller and a yoga block worth RM70 will be given to all  participants.

自然保健方法–透過瑜伽磚,輪棒, 按摩身體重要 穴位. ,從頭到腳,從手指的放鬆到手臂,肩頸,以及前胸和上背部,解決肩頸等痠痛的困擾
適合有以下困擾者:媽媽手,腱鞘囊腫,電腦手,三 叉神經痛,落枕,扁頭痛,牙關痛,失眠,不會呼吸肌肉緊繃,血壓高,睡眠中止症,雙下巴一般肩頸及上背疼痛的困擾.
1. 能量的了解及测试.
2。學習療癒瑜伽放鬆技巧–透過瑜伽磚,輪棒 按摩身體重要穴位。增进血液循环。 
3. 從手指的放鬆到手臂,肩頸,以及前胸上背部解決肩痠痛困擾
參與的同學會獲贈瑜伽輪棒一支 及50º瑜伽磚 一个(RM70). 
Energy Exchange : RM230 
Date : 16/3/2013 (Saturday)
Time : 10.30am – 1pm
Venue : Yoga Plus 3-28 D'Piazza